Terry O'Neill - "Hepburn with Dove" - Paper 20x26in
Terry O'Neill - "Hepburn with Dove" - Paper 20x26in
A signed, limited edition silkscreen by contemporary figurative artist Simon Claridge. In his latest collection of limited edition diamond dust silkscreen prints, Simon Claridge has taken iconic images from the hallowed archives of legendary English photographer Terry O’Neill.
“The famous shot of Audrey Hepburn was just incredible. We were in a garden in the south of France and she was just a total pro – so great to work with. We were shooting and the dove just landed on her shoulder – she looked down and I got the shot and two frames later it flew away again. Incredible.” – Terry O’Neill
Silkscreen on paper, with diamond dust.
Image Size: 20in x 26in
Framed Size: 29in x 36in
Edition size: 150
You can view the work while they are still available, at your local gallery.